Fitness News #8 | |
Hi Guys and Gals, Welcome to Fitness News #8
Well fruit prices seem to stabilised, in around the $4 - $5 kilo. Expensive but still affordable. Getting bored of fruit, then add some almonds and walnuts to your snack attacks
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Music | |
3 instructors got fired from Fitness First for playing original music.
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Water | |
Yesterday riding back from a race, it was hot and I realised that I really didn't have enough water for the conditions. Despite drinking well for the rest of the day, the end result was that I had a headache and had to lay down for a couple of hours in the afternoon.
Spin/RPM classes are high energy and the despite the aircon and fans, the room gets hot. If you find that you tend not to drink enough during a class, then a simple solution is to drink some before the class starts or during the warmup. By the time you are thirsty you are already dehydrated so take the opportunities during the gaps in to take a swig on the bottle and enjoy.
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Classes | |
Poor Veronica, her knee is gone on her and she's out for 4 weeks. I'm covering her class this morning but she needs to find someone else for the following weeks. Stuart's injury continues
Mon 21/02/11 9:30 AM Rock Mon 9.30am (covering for Veronica) Mon 21/02/11 5:45 PM 5Dock Mon 5.45pm Tue 22/02/11 6:45 PM Rock Tue 6.45pm Wed 23/02/11 6:15 AM Rock Wed 6.15am (covering for Luana) Wed 23/02/11 5:45 PM N Strath Wed 5.45pm Thu 24/02/11 7:00 AM Market Thu 7.00am (covering for Stuart) Sat 26/02/11 8:15 AM Rock HiPf Sat 8.15am
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Ask Mike | |
If you have any questions or things you would like to see in the newsletter, then let me know
See you at the Gym
Cheers Mike
Sleep Ride Eat Repeat |